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蓝宝石具有多种生长方式。 Verneuil和Czochralski方法通常用于标准级蓝宝石材料。更高质量的蓝宝石,应用于电子基板。它是由Kyropulos生长制造,可以得到非常高的纯度,产品具有优良的紫外透射特性。在IR中的使用范围被限制在约5μm,并且在任何光学级别中遇到很少的困难。 它在紫外线范围内,必须注意观察,因为从140nm到240nm的透射对杂质和间隙空位非常敏感。大片蓝宝石可以通过色带生长制成。 蓝宝石具有轻微的双折射性,通常的IR窗口通常以随机的方式从晶体切割,也有对于双折射的特定应用,选择取向。 通常这是光轴与表面平面成90度,称为“零度”材料。 合成光学蓝宝石没有着色。
传输范围: 0.17~5.5μm
折射率: No 1.75449; Ne 1.74663(1.06μm)(1)
反射损耗: 14% at 1.06μm
吸收系数: 0.3×10 -3 cm -1 at 2.4μm (2)
吸收峰: 13.5μm
dn / dT: 13.4×10 -6(0.546μm)(3)
dn /dμ= 0: 1.5μm
密度: 3.97g/cm3
熔点: 2040℃
热导率: 27.21W m-1K-1 at 300K
热膨胀: 5.6(para)& 5.0(perp)×10-6 / K *
硬度: Knoop 2000 with 2000g indenter
比热容量: 763JKg-1K-1(293K)(4)
介电常数: 11.5(para)9.4(perp)at 1MHz
杨氏模量(E): 335GPa
剪切模量(G): 148.1GPa
体积模量(K): 240GPa
弹性系数: C11 = 496 C12 = 164 C13 = 115 C33 = 498 C44 = 148
表观弹性极限: 300 MPa(45,000 psi)
泊松比: 0.25
溶解度: 98×10-6g / 100g water
分子量: 101.96
类/结构: Trigonal(hex),R3c
No = Ordinary Ray Ne = Extraordinary Ray
μm | No | Ne | μm | No | Ne | μm | No | Ne |
0.193 | 1.9288 | 1.9174 | 0.213 | 1.8890 | 1.8784 | 0.222 | 1.8754 | 1.8650 |
0.226 | 1.8702 | 1.8599 | 0.244 | 1.8506 | 1.8407 | 0.248 | 1.8470 | 1.8372 |
0.257 | 1.8393 | 1.8297 | 0.266 | 1.8330 | 1.8236 | 0.280 | 1.8244 | 1.8151 |
0.308 | 1.8110 | 1.8020 | 0.325 | 1.8047 | 1.7958 | 0.337 | 1.8001 | 1.7921 |
0.351 | 1.7969 | 1.7882 | 0.355 | 1.7960 | 1.7883 | 0.442 | 1.7804 | 1.7721 |
0.458 | 1.7784 | 1.7702 | 0.488 | 1.7753 | 1.7671 | 0.515 | 1.7730 | 1.7649 |
0.532 | 1.7717 | 1.7636 | 0.590 | 1.7680 | 1.7600 | 0.633 | 1.7659 | 1.7579 |
0.670 | 1.7643 | 1.7563 | 0.694 | 1.7634 | 1.7554 | 0.755 | 1.7614 | 1.7535 |
0.780 | 1.7607 | 1.7527 | 0.800 | 1.7601 | 1.7522 | 0.820 | 1.7596 | 1.7517 |
0.980 | 1.7561 | 1.7482 | 1.064 | 1.7545 | 1.7466 | 1.320 | 1.7501 | 1.7423 |
1.550 | 1.7462 | 1.7384 | 2.010 | 1.7375 | 1.7297 | 2.249 | 1.7323 | 1.7243 |
2.703 | 1.719 | 1.711 | 2.941 | 1.712 | 1.711 | 3.333 | 1.701 | 1.693 |
3.704 | 1.687 | 1.679 | 4.000 | 1.674 | 1.666 | 4.348 | 1.658 | 1.65 |
4.762 | 1.636 | 1.628 | 5.000 | 1.623 | 1.615 | 5.263 | 1.607 | 1.599 |
产品型号: SAPPRISM10-60
IR Polished Sapphire (Al2O3) 60° prism
10 x 10 x 10mm 60° equiliateral dispersing prism.
Optic axis random direction.
产品型号: SAPPRISM10-60Z
IR Polished Sapphire (Al2O3) 60° prism
10 x 10 x 10mm 60° equiliateral dispersing prism.
Optic axis perpendicular to triangular faces
Sapphire is slightly birefringent and so for critical optical or mechanical applications, the windows shouldbe specified as 'zero degree', or 'c-cut', meaning that the optical axis of the material should be perpendicular to the plane of thewindow. If unspecified, the component will be of 'random' cut, but its worth noting that this is nearly always 60°to the opticaxis as this is the 'softest' direction for the saw. Note that all sapphire is always single crystal, sub-grains are always avoided inthe cut.
C-plane (0,0,0,1) = Z-cut
A-plane (1,1,-2,0) = Y-cut
M-Plane (1,0,-1,0) = X-cut R-Plane (1,0,-1,0)
Manufacturers seem unable to agree on the thermal expansion coefficient of sapphire,figures from 5.6 to 8.4 x 10-6 K are given. While there may be some variation due to themethod of growth, and certainly due to the axis of cut, this variation is inexplicable.
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